Every forum member has to abide by the following rules.
1. Don't post anything which is abusive,racist,vulgar,sexually-oriented, etc.
2. Don't spam or flood the forum with useless posts.
3. Don't flood the forum with posts containing just Thanks, Thank you,etc.
4. Don't advertise any other site in this forum.
5. Don't just come here to download stuff. Stay active and if possible contribute to the forum.
6. Don't upload any copyrighted games to the forum. We do not condone uploading of any copyrighted games to the forum. If however you want to share a game, upload it to a file hosting site and post it here at your own risk. We urge all our users to buy the apps/games from reputable outlets.
7. Some of the applications/tutorials on the forum can potentially damage your phone. We take no responsibility for the way you use the information provided on this site
8. Don't go offtopic too much.
9. Don't post in threads that haven't been posted in for over a month, unless it solves the original problem.